Tooth Extraction In Corpus Christi, TX

At Tide Dental & Orthodontics in Corpus Christi, TX, we aim to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. However, in some cases, tooth extraction may be necessary to preserve your oral health. Our experienced and compassionate team provides safe and effective tooth extractions to relieve pain and prevent further damage to your teeth and gums.

Reasons for Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are often recommended when a tooth is beyond repair due to decay, injury, or infection. Other reasons for tooth extractions may include the following:

  • Crowded teeth: In some cases, tooth extractions may be necessary to create space for proper teeth alignment, especially for orthodontic treatment.
  • Wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth, or third molars, often cause pain, infection, or damage to surrounding teeth and may require extraction.
  • Periodontal disease: If gum disease has damaged the bone around your teeth, tooth extraction may be necessary to prevent further damage.
  • Fractured teeth: If a tooth is fractured beyond repair, it may need to be extracted to prevent further infection or damage to surrounding teeth.

The Tooth Extraction Process

At Tide Dental & Orthodontics, our dental professionals ensure that the tooth extraction is as comfortable and pain-free as possible. We will start by numbing the area surrounding the tooth to be extracted and may offer sedation to help you relax during the procedure.

Next, our skilled dentist will use specialized tools to loosen the tooth from its socket in the jawbone carefully, then gently lift it out. Once the tooth is removed, we will clean the socket and place gauze to control bleeding and promote healing. Depending on your situation, we may prescribe pain medication or antibiotics to prevent infection and ensure a smooth recovery.


Aftercare Instructions

After your tooth extraction, it is essential to follow our aftercare instructions to promote proper healing and prevent complications. Additionally, we might suggest the following:

  • Rest: Avoid harsh activity for the first few days after the procedure.
  • Ice: Ice should be applied to the affected area to lessen swelling.
  • Soft foods: Stick to a soft diet for the first few days, and avoid hot or spicy foods.
  • Gentle rinsing: Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water to promote healing.

Avoid smoking: Smoking can delay healing and raise the possibility of infection.


Oral Surgery

The surgical speciality of oral and maxillofacial surgery covers the diagnosis, surgical, and related treatments of a wide range of illnesses, injuries, deformities, and aesthetic issues involving the mouth, teeth, jaws, face, head, and neck.

Wisdom tooth problems, facial pain, and misaligned jaws can all be treated by oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMS). Accident patients with facial injuries who need dental implant surgery are frequently treated by them. Additionally, they can provide care for patients with maxillofacial diseases that affect function and appearance, as well as tumours, cysts, and anomalies of the jaws and face.

The diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the oral (mouth) and maxillofacial (face and neck) regions fall under the broad purview of this profession.

Contact Us for Tooth Extractions in Corpus Christi, TX

At Tide Dental & Orthodontics, we understand that the thought of a tooth extraction can be intimidating. Our team is dedicated to providing a comfortable and safe experience for our patients, and we will work closely with you to determine the best course of action for your oral health needs. If you are experiencing pain, infection, or other dental issues, contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our tooth extraction services in Corpus Christi, TX