Dental Dentures & Bridges in Corpus Christi, TX

Dentures and Bridges are two dental prostheses used to replace missing teeth. At Tide Dental & Orthodontics, we offer custom-made dentures and bridges in Corpus Christi, TX, that are comfortable, durable, and designed to look like your natural teeth. In addition, our experienced dentists will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.


Dentures are removable dental prostheses that can replace multiple missing teeth. They are made of a base that fits over your gums and artificial teeth that look and function like natural teeth. Dentures can be either partial or complete, depending on the missing teeth.

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Bridges are fixed dental prostheses that can replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth anchored to the surrounding teeth using dental crowns. Bridges are an excellent option for patients who want a permanent, non-removable solution to missing teeth.

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Snap-On Smile

Snap–On Smile’s unique, proprietary formula of hi–tech dental resin makes it very thin yet extremely strong.
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Dentures are removable dental prostheses that can replace multiple missing teeth. They are made of a base that fits over your gums and artificial teeth that look and function like natural teeth. Dentures can be either partial or complete, depending on the missing teeth.

Partial Dentures:

Partial dentures are used when some, but not all, teeth are missing. They consist of a metal or plastic framework that attaches to your remaining teeth and artificial teeth that fill in the gaps. Partial dentures can improve your ability to chew, speak, and restore your smile.

Complete Dentures:

Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing. Traditional dentures are made after the remaining teeth have been removed and the gums have healed. Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed immediately after the teeth are removed.


Bridges are fixed dental prostheses that can replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth anchored to the surrounding teeth using dental crowns. Bridges are an excellent option for patients who want a permanent, non-removable solution to missing teeth.

Traditional Bridges:

Traditional bridges are the most common type of bridge. They are made of porcelain or ceramic and are attached to the surrounding teeth using dental crowns. Traditional bridges can improve your ability to chew, speak, and restore your smile.

Implant-Supported Bridges:

Implant-supported bridges are a type of bridge that is anchored to dental implants instead of the surrounding teeth. They offer several advantages over traditional bridges, including increased stability, improved function, and a more natural appearance.

At Tide Dental & Orthodontics in Corpus Christi, TX, we use the latest techniques and materials to create dentures and bridges that look and function like natural teeth. We work closely with our patients to ensure that their prostheses fit well, are comfortable to wear, and improve their quality of life. Our team of experienced dentists will take the time to answer all of your questions and address any concerns you may have.

If you are missing teeth and are considering dentures or bridges, contact Tide Dental & Orthodontics in Corpus Christi, TX, today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

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